S.E.R.C. Group - Technologies

Mixed Plastic Processing
For over twenty years our partner has had the know-how and engineering capability to create a machine with a throughput of 10,000 tonnes per annum which in simple terms changes the particle size of the waste plastics then applies heat sufficient to make the surface of the granules molten but not enough to substantially melt the waste plastic. No harmful emissions, no need to use landfill, a circular solution to waste plastic that has finished its designed use but rather than pollute the environment can become useful again and again.

Advanced Pyrolysis
Advanced Pyrolysis waste to energy technology which requires little more than pre-process shredding and automated metal recovery of organic material although certain wastes with a higher moisture content are likely to require some form of pre-process drying.
Typical residual outputs of Gas, Oil or Carbon Char will produce substantial amounts of energy. A typical operation, processing around 40,000 tonnes of waste per annum, should produce enough electricity to supply the entire electrical needs of between 7,000 – 10,000 homes.

Vertical Aeroponics
Our technology partner has a vertical system
that sprays the plant roots with a nutrient mix
so that they get the correct quantities of
nutrient and water and they also get good
oxygen circulation and absorption to aid fast, healthy growth.
The 1.5m commercial length tubes enable
farmers and commercial growers to use
previously unusable pieces of land and unused space in greenhouses and barns to produce
high return, low input fruit, vegetables, herbs
and salad crops at a fraction of the cost of traditional growing. The growing tubes can be
wall mounted or frame mounted to fill every

Electric Vehicle Charging
Decentralised Pyrolysis power units (circa 500KW) using our hardwood feedstock chippings for green credentials with a JV with a company who are rolling out EV charging points into public access areas throughout the country. Our involvement will include the development with our partner to produce the pyrolysis unit as well as the supply of the feedstock and also the IOT based tech layer to support users and stakeholders to operate the facility.
Mixed plastics recycling for Energy

Combined Heat and Power
We have both extensive experience in providing and maintaining CHP systems. What makes us unique is the application of technology to ensure the feedstock is managed in a truly sustainable way. Not only do we use advanced methods and systems to grow the biofuels we can ensure quality of the calorific value to be at the highest consistent level with commensurate low emission levels.
All backed by our analytic platform to manage the decision support data.
Data Analytics
At the heart of everything we do is the capture of structured and unstructured data into our advanced cloud based analytical platform. For our timber and biomass projects it includes the collation for monitoring and measuring every aspect of the trees from rainfall, air quality to UV levels, Co2 levels and much more.
The data from our vertical growing systems will ultimately enable a farmer anywhere in the world to grow the perfect Strawberry or Basil plant by a simple dashboard - Guaranteed!